I want you

Can’t keep my mind from thought

It ponders

What is it like to be loved by you?

I want to know

I want to feel

My fingers burn with an urge

I want to feel the lines along the scars…

… curved with a flaming scythe on the my heart

They never heal

They hurt

How does it feel?

I want to know that you feel this same

A sudden breath

Soft and silent

It burns

It lasts an eternity in your lungs

I want to be loved you

I want to be kissed by you

I want you

World’s strongest man

For the man they think I am

For the hope they believe I stand for

And for the courage they receive from my words

… For the little guy who think I am the the world’s strongest man…

I am strong not for myself but for those that look up to me”

I am strong for my son, brother and every soul that I keep at heart”

…My only wish is to could extend so wide to the unfortunate that need a hand…

If only they could look up and see hope.”

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